all lyrics (c) Emerald Rose 1998-2004 except where noted

Three More Drops

A song of transformation, based on Welsh mythology with a modern slant.

words and music by Larry Morris

Oh my greatest wish in younger days was to learn about the ancient ones
I wished to know the bardic ways, how to sing their songs and play their drums

My Aunt she told me "Get a job- your music's just an idle trip.
Here, take this spoon and stir this pot, but don't you dare to take a sip!"

For one long year I stirred her brew, to taste I dared not take the chance
But then by accident it's true, those three drops to my lips did dance

And when that potion touched my tongue my heart was filled with wondrous song
Oh Goddess keep me ever young, I know this taste cannot be wrong

Oh three more drops and one more song
Oh Goddess have I waited long enough to taste your sacred wine
Three more drops...of the Divine

And then my Aunt in righteous rage did chase me over hill and dale
though many forms did I engage to flee her wrath, to no avail

At last I learned her will indeed was to teach the ways of Hoof and Horn
I turned myself into a seed and through the Goddess was reborn


And since that day I've chased my Muse, a thousand songs to hear and play
although the Lady does refuse to lift her veil on certain days

But when I feel my well's run dry, those precious drops I bring to mind
and then I hear the cricket's cry, and that brings me my next three lines


©Emerald Rose

Larry Morris --vocals, percussion
Brian "Logan" Sullivan--vocals, guitar
Arthur Hinds--vocals, drums
Clyde Gilbert--bass

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